Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Knowing Versus Doing

Knowing Versus Doing
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.... - Philippians 3:10

If I asked you the purpose for which God made you, what might you say? You might give a lot of answers that required some action on your part. However, the simplest answer to that question relates to one primary thing: fellowship. The most important thing God desires from us today is to have a deep and intimate fellowship with each of us.

The apostle Paul said he wanted to know Christ, and by knowing Christ he could experience the power of His resurrection. I find this to be the hardest thing for many of us workplace believers to do. So often it is much easier to be busy with the urgent (or even Christian) activity than spending quiet moments before the Lord. Before we realize it, days have passed since our last quiet time with Jesus.

Jesus understood how important quiet moments were with the Father. "After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone" (Mt. 14:23). The more mature I become in my relationship with the Lord, the more precious this time becomes to me. It is a time I look forward to almost daily. It offers me a time to reflect, to share my concerns with my Lord, and to hear Him speak. In the last few years I have begun prayer walks, which accomplish three things: fellowship, prayer, and exercise. It has changed my prayer life. I have come to understand that Jesus views us as His friend and He wants to spend time with us. We are depriving Him of His time when we put Him aside for the urgent. An interesting thing happens when we make prayer a priority: Urgent things seem to wane as we focus on Him. He makes all these other things fall into place.

Are you taking the time to get to know Him today?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood.... - Ephesians 6:12

Have you ever heard someone say, "I will never do business with another Christian"? I hear this comment quite often in my dealings with Christian workplace believers. This comment represents the battle that rages against us by the enemy of our soul to destroy the witness and effectiveness of Christian workplace believers. We must realize that we are in a war - a war for the souls of men, a war to discredit all that a Christian stands for, a war that is designed to divide Christian against Christian.

Satan's ploy in the life of Christian workplace believers is to do several things to make them ineffective as soldiers in the workplace. First, he wants to discredit them by allowing them to fail other people in their professional services. This often shows up in failing to perform what they committed to do or performing in an unsatisfactory way. Sometimes, this is a result of a downright failure of the workplace believer to perform with excellence. In other cases, it may be a misunderstanding in the midst of the service that causes strife and division instigated by the enemy.

The result in both cases is the same: a division among Christians and even non-Christians, further resulting in a damaged witness for Christ. The apostle Peter admonishes us to "live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us" (1 Pet. 2:12).

There are times when each of us is thrust into situations out of our control. Sometimes this results in our inability to pay a bill on time, or to deliver a service. Defeating satan in these battles requires extra communication with those with whom we are dealing. If the motive of your heart is to do right, then God will give you favor in order to work through these difficult spots. Ask God today to show you where the enemy is seeking to make you ineffective.

We wage a spiritual war that is not flesh and blood. We must fight this war with spiritual weapons applied to practical daily living.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Fruitful Suffering

Fruitful Suffering
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

..."It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering." - Genesis 41:52

Joseph named his second son Ephraim. Ephraim was given to him after he had been delivered from his suffering of 13 years. Joseph said that he named him this because God had made him fruitful in the land of his suffering. Ephraim means "twice fruitful."

Joseph was fruitful in two instances. He was fruitful during his time of adversity and in his prosperity. When God brings us into a time of suffering, it can be a fruitful time. It's rare for us to see the fruit during the suffering period. But know that the roots are going deep into the spiritual soil of our soul because of our pressing in to God during our time of suffering. This is producing a work in our character that cannot be seen until it finishes the process. Such was the case for Joseph.

It was not until several years after such a time of suffering that I began to see the fruit of the trials that the Lord allowed me to experience. How grateful I am to understand some of the "why" that has led to a new life in Him that I would never have had without this period.

Samson had great anointing but lacked character. We see many today who have great anointing yet lack character. But God is rising up Josephs who not only have great anointing for these days but also great character. Suffering produces character.

If you find yourself in a time of suffering, now is the time to press into God. Let your roots grow deeper. Whenever there is a famine, tree roots are forced to drive deeper into the soil to find water. These times are designed to create such a deep-rooted faith that our natures will be changed forever.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

diploma show, first screening.

MOTHER . SON first screening.

Thank you to all my crew and talent.
Finally there will be a screening of MOTHER . SON, together with the Temasek Design School 2007 Graduating Cohort's vidoes, animations and multimedia @ the Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic from the 1st of March and the 2nd of March 2007, 10am to 5pm.

Do Come and Visit Us and of coz, the show.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Godly Rewards

Godly Rewards
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

You have said, "It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out His requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape." - Malachi 3:14-15

Have you ever felt that serving God had little reward and the ungodly seemed actually to be more blessed than you? This is what the people of God felt. God heard their cry and responded through the prophet Malachi to explain God's view on this matter.

Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name. "They will be Mine," says the Lord Almighty, "in the day when I take up My treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not" (Malachi 3:16-18).

Notice that after the people complained about this, they began to talk to each other, and the Lord listened and heard. God had been taking note of those who were serving Him and honoring Him. There is a day coming in which God will honor His "treasured possessions." We will see that there is a distinction between the righteous and the wicked on that day when "the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall" (Mal. 4:2). What a beautiful picture of what we will feel like on that day.

God rewards faithful obedience. It often requires patience, suffering, and perseverance. Be of good cheer; He will reward you if you faint not.

Friday, February 23, 2007

[PV] Kagrra, - Shizuku

Kagrra, - Utakata

Paneled Houses

Paneled Houses
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

"Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?" - Haggai 1:4

There is a crisis of grand proportions in the spiritual house of God today. The moral fiber of our world has eroded. Greed, idolatry, and pleasure are the gods of our day. And it is no different in the Body of Christ.

The prophet Haggai wrote about a people who had lost concern for the need to build God's house because they were so focused on their own worldly needs. It is a dangerous place to get with God. When our world begins to focus around increasing our pleasure, building bigger and better homes, and failing to make what is important to God important in our own lives, this should be a warning to us.

Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written," He said to them, " 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers' " (Matthew. 21:12-13).

Jesus came into Jerusalem and found the workplace believers buying and selling in the temple. As far as they knew, this was an acceptable practice in their day. Their fathers did it, and now they were doing it. It was business as usual. Jesus got angry, turned over the tables, and said that His house was a house of prayer. He found the workplace believers of the day seeing His house as a place for profit, not prayer. They had stepped into a place of complacency that was not acceptable to the Lord. When we begin to blend in with the moral condition of an ungodly world, we begin losing God's perspective on life.

It is easy to begin blending in with our culture and to accept what is being modeled by the ungodly. God called us to be salt in a world that needs much salt. "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Mt. 5:13). Each of us must ask ourselves if we have lost our salt. Are we having an impact on our world? Or is our world having an impact on us? Ask God to give you a vision for how you can be salt to your world today.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

My look-alikes

I got Tom Fletcher, Nicole richie, Ang Lee, Tony Leung, Criss Angel, Jean-Pierre Rafarrin, Stephen Chow, and Colin Farrell that looks like me...

wahahahhaa ok...

Emo post, no comments

Wierdly enuff,

Wierd emotions or feelings are with me once again...
I think FYP is indeed a depressing one...

That it might make me feel into depression once again...

the symptons are :
it is sufficient to have either of these symptoms in conjunction with five of a list of other symptoms over a two-week period. These include:
  • Feelings of overwhelming sadness and/or fear, or the seeming inability to feel emotion (emptiness).
  • A decrease in the amount of interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, daily activities.
  • Changing appetite and marked weight gain or loss.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns, such as insomnia, loss of REM sleep, or excessive sleep (Hypersomnia).
  • Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day.
  • Fatigue, mental or physical, also loss of energy.
  • Intense feelings of guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, isolation/loneliness and/or anxiety.
  • Trouble concentrating, keeping focus or making decisions or a generalized slowing and obtunding of cognition, including memory.
  • Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), desire to just "lie down and die" or "stop breathing", recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.
  • Feeling and/or fear of being abandoned by those close to one.

Other symptoms often reported but not usually taken into account in diagnosis include:

  • Self-loathing.
  • A decrease in self-esteem.
  • Inattention to personal hygiene.
  • Sensitivity to noise.
  • Physical aches and pains, and the belief these may be signs of serious illness.
  • Fear of 'going mad'.
  • Change in perception of time.
  • Periods of sobbing.
  • Possible behavioral changes, such as aggression and/or irritability.
So do you have DEPRESSION?

I might...

Should I go to a doctor?

At times, I take things too hard on myself...
Is it true?
This is what a friend of mine told me...

But if I dun, I got to ask myself, will I ever succeed?

I am losing myself...
I am not me...

Who am I?

I am just tired...
Tired about everything...

I have lived enuff...
But it is not satisfying...

At times, I wanted to end it, but I find no courage...

At times, that I want to really do nothing, I ended up doing more things...
Is this life?

Is my life going to be like that?

I want to be simple...
but I know there's a answer to this, and that is:

I am not born simple...
So my life will never be simple...

And this world makes it even more complicated...

I wish I am not here...


Is subtitling an english film wrong?


I personally feel that it is not wrong at all...
I just want to let my audience to see and hear and feel...

it's an all rounder thing...

So wat to do...

I just fuck care lah...

it's my FYP...
not theirs anyway...

I am the director of my show...

I say wat I want...

And so, those useless comments made, I will just fuck care...

But those helpful little tips and comments, I will treausre it and improve in it...

In MOI and IMD, I only want to thank 3 persons...

1) Alfie. He is the guy who inspire me alot... And really make me thinks...
He dun spoon feed u... But he guide u... He is the true lecturer that I wanted to follow...
As he is real in his saying and he knows how to knock sense into us and really guide us thru...

2) Yong. This guy is uber cool... I really got to thank him as without him, I will not be able to make it thru these 3 yrs... He guides me in planning... Planning not in my films... But time management and reality... Making me facing the truth everytime...

3) Ronald. Y i want to thank him? Because he makes me really gif up in 2d and move my energy to film and 3d... hahhaz... And also he is a great lecturer to be in temasek design school with his blur jokes around, u will nv get bored...

And of coz there are also some adjunct lecturers like John Kuek and April...

John helps me alot in knowing sound, and April is the lecturer I will like to say sorry too... As I did not really do a good job in broadcast... But at least I learn alot from her...

Clap clap to all these lecturers here that I listed them out...

As for the rest... Ok... I only gif u one clap and nothing to say...

I sounded quite realistic...
But I want to be real...

As fake is bad...

Although I always hide my emotions under the mask...


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Seeing Through God's Eyes

Seeing Through God's Eyes
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the Lord and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword. - 2 Samuel 1:12

How would you respond if you heard something bad happened to someone who had been trying to cut off your head for several years? King Saul had been seeking to kill David for many years before Saul was thrust into battle against the Amalekites. In this final battle, a sword killed Saul. When the news reached David, instead of rejoicing that his enemy was no longer a problem for him, he responded in a totally different manner. He mourned. Imagine that; he mourned for the one who sought to kill him.

This is a sign of one who can look past an individual who is the source of pain and consider how God views him. God looks on that individual and sees his needs and knows why he responds the way he does. When we begin to see people as God does, we'll no longer look at them as enemies, but as souls in need of grace. This is how Jesus could give of His life for us. He saw our great need, not what we did to Him. When someone wrongs you, do you seek to retaliate, or do you pray to understand the need behind the offender's actions? For several years a person was a source of constant pain and retaliation toward me. There was nothing I could do to change it. God allowed me to go beyond the person's actions to understand what was the source of his need. When I gained that understanding, God gave me a picture of this person inside a prison cell and in bondage. This bondage made him respond to life in this way. I was able to pray for him and genuinely love him in spite of the fact that he persecuted me. This is the kind of love Jesus wants us to have when He tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who spitefully use us.

I believe God does a special work of grace in those who go beyond the realm of normal response to persecution. He brings us to a level of grace we never thought possible. Describing how God worked in Joseph's life, Francis Frangipane reveals what happens when we tap into this grace:

God made him fruitful in the very things that afflicted him. In the land of your affliction, in your battle, is the place where God will make you fruitful. Consider, even now, the area of greatest affliction in your life. In that area, God will make you fruitful in such a way that your heart will be fully satisfied, and God's heart fully glorified. God has not promised to keep us from valleys and sufferings, but to make us fruitful in them. [Francis Frangipane, Place of Immunity (Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Arrow Publications, 1996), 93]

Tuesday, February 20, 2007



I hope I got it rite...

anyway, the year of PIG has finally arrive...
Wish that all of us can be like a pigg...
sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat...

but of coz, this is mission impossible, unless u wan to be slaughter...

This yr my ang bao is damn little...
But nvmd...
As it has been a long time I haven really meet up with my relatives...

But i just hope that I dun hear a second, " wahhh, u skinny liao leh... ur brother ahz... more fats than u leh... u snatch food from u ahz?"

hello, I have been very busy for the past like 4 months...
so where do I find time to maintain my preferred weight...

But of coz, because is new year season, I have been stuffed with lots of food...
And also yummy yummy tibits...

but dun worry, i dun grow fat..
I wish i could...

then my aunt has been asking me u PES wat ahz?
then I say B

Wahhhh confirm Combat liao lor...

Wat the ****...
So Pes A and B = confirm combat, so wat about other departments...

do u think that Singapore can only survive when we pump everyone into combat side?

Lame shit rite...
I agree that this is UBER LAME...
But wat to do...
I just say No lah...
there's many areas inside lah...
Maybe i can continue with media...

The next thing that everyone ask is "u got girlfriend or not?"
When I say No.... they say, dun bluff lah...
Wat the...
So if u dun believe, then dun botehr to even ask when u set an answer to it...

funny rite...
And I even say actually i have a date on valentine day.
then they started to be interested...
I continue saying that we had a wonderful night and we worked hard about it...
haha i know it sounds wrong...
But that is my point of making it sounded wrong in front of my relative...

and I ended my speech by saying...
That tough nite is spend with my project, my short film...

then everyone starts to laugh...

The next thing that I happen to shock them is that i am a christian...
wat? taht is shocking?

As most of them are the so called buddhist and taoism...

As they wanted me to burn incease to tehir watever u named them as in their home de...
As a blessing lah...
But I say, sorry, I cant.
As I am a christian and follows jesus christ...
Then they was like...
Ohhh... o.... okay... nvmd...

But I did pay my respect to my ancesters, as that is just a gesture of filial act...
according to the chinese tradition way of saying...

My cousins and I took many photos... I cant believe that I can still communicate with kids... 1 pri 5, 2 sec 1, 1 sec 4, 1 older than me...

had fun...

Oh ya... my uncle's hse happen to appear a lady who is said to be my grandma's friend...
She is damn rich... She dresses like a christmas tree...
I am serious...
Anyway I hated this friend of grandma... As she came in as if she is the big boss...
She put her stuff everywhere she like...
And ya, she is just acting BIG...
ya indeed, a big christmas tree...

she is wearing a very greenish plus red plus alot of dunno wat designs and a totally cmi designed pants... I mean it is tight... and she looks like a christmas tree with some gold thick necklances(just imagine those from the indian shops). earrings that might make her ears look like an elephant... and also a lot of rings...

I think u can somehow imagine it liao ba...

And she's FAT...


Then ya... that's all bah....
will update more later bah...


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

This is very inspiring...
Great one...

So, watch it...

Weapons of Warfare

Weapons of Warfare
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. - Joel 3:10a

In this third chapter of Joel, we hear the prophet describe a time yet to come. It will be a time of great harvest on the earth, and this verse describes the catalyst. A plowshare is an agricultural instrument used to till the soil. At this point in history, it was a tool that spoke of one's vocation. However, the prophet was speaking of a time yet to come. The prophet described the plowshare as an instrument that will be turned into a sword. The sword is often used in the Bible to describe God's Word. The only way a plowshare can be turned into a sword is for it to go through extreme heat, and then the blacksmith must beat that plowshare into shape. Heat and punishment of the metal turns that plowshare into an instrument of battle. God must do this in each of our lives in order for us to be useable as a worthy sword. We are all in a battle - a spiritual battle. Paul describes our battle as one against the principalities of the unseen world. I believe God is going to raise up many in the workplace to use their plowshare as a weapon of righteousness in these last days. That weapon won't be used for destruction, but as a weapon of love. That weapon of love will yield a great harvest in our lifetime. But this is only part of the story.

God is also going to turn our pruning hooks into spears. A pruning hook is used in two ways. First, it is used to prune a tree for greater growth and productivity. It is also used to cut the fruit from taller trees in which one cannot reach the fruit. This fruit from our vocation is going to be cast forth like a spear, but even more as seed planted to bring the harvest of which Joel speaks. Fruit from our work life is often the financial rewards generated. God wants to use our finances and everything else for His purposes. We must use our vocations and the fruit that comes from them as seed to bring the great harvest that God is planning.

How are you using your plowshare and your pruning hook for God's glory today? Ask God to show you how He wants to use your skills, resources, and relationships to prepare for the great harvest He has planned.

horoscopes (lol-ing)

SCORPIO:. The sex addict
Can be mean. EXTREMELY sexy.
Intelligent. Energetic. Predict
future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.)
(GREAT kisser.) Always get what they
want. Sexy. Attractive. Easy going.
Loves being in long relationships.
Talkative. The sexiest
ever....Romantic. Caring.

.:LIBRA:. The lame lover
Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to
everyone They meet. Their Love is one
of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have
own unique sexiness. Most caring
person you will ever meet! Amazing n
Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed? not
the kind of person you wanna ####
with... u might end up crying... the
most irresistible.

.:ARIES:. The Liar
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontanious. Not
one to #### with. Erotic. Funny. Take
you on trips to the moon in bed.
Excellent kisser EXTREMELY sexy. Loves
being in long relationships.=)
Addictive. Loud. best in bed.

.:AQUARIUS:. Does it in the water
Trustworthy. Sexy. Great kisser. One
of a kind. Loves being in long-term
relationships. Extremely energetic.
Unpredictable. Will exceed your
expectations. Not a Fighter, But will
Knock your lights out. Amazing in bed,

Below is something I got from the friendster bulletin...

hahaha but short of 1 horoscope...

too bad...

.:GEMINI:. Does Twosomes
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great
listeners Very Good in bed. Lover not
a fighter, but will still knock you
the #### out. Trustworthy. Always
happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY
FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a
beautiful smile. Generous. Strong.

.:LEO:. The Lion in bed
Great talker. Sexy and passionate.
Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is
really good at. Great kisser.
Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to
earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud.
Loves being in long relationships.
Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare
to find. Good when found.

.:CANCER:. The Cutie
appeal. Great in bed!!! Love is one of
a kind. Very romantic. Most caring
person you will ever meet! Entirely
creative. Extremely random and proud
of it. Freak in bed. Spontaneous.
Great tellin stories. Not a Fighter,
But will Knock your lights out if it
comes down to it. Someone you should
hold on to.

.:PISCES:. The Piece of ass
Caring and kind. Smart. Center of
attention. Too Sexy, DAMN IT. Very
high ### appeal. Has the last word.
The best to find, hardest to keep. Fun
to be around. Freak in the sheets.
Extremely weird but in a good way.
Super good in bed. Good Sense of
Humor!!! Thoughtful. A partner for
life. Always gets what he or she
wants. Loves to joke. Very popular.
Silly, fun and sweet.

.:CAPRICORN:. The passionate Lover
Love to bust. Nice. Sassy.
Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future.
Irrestible, awesome kisser. Loves
being in long relationships. Great
talker. Always gets what he or she
wants. BY FAR the BEST in BED. Very
sexy. Coolest. Loves to own Gemini's
in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to
joke. Loves to be your first. So
you'll never forget. Smart.

.:TAURUS:. The Tramp
Aggressive. Freak in bed. Rare to
find! Loves being in long
relationships.=] Likes to give a good
fight for what they want. Extremely
outgoing. Sexy as ........ Loves to
help people in times of need.
Outstanding kisser. Very fun

VIRGO:. The Virgin
Dominant in relationships. Sexy.
someone loves them right now. Freak in
bed. Always wants the last word.
Caring. Smart. Intellectual.
Attractive. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk
to. Hard to forget Love at first
sight. Everything you ever wanted.
Easy to please. The one and only.
Ultimate sexiness.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dana - Diamond

will you be my valentine?

happy valentine day


Well, I am dating with my computer now...
and we r so into our own world...


ya... FYP makes most of us dates our computer...

So love you computer....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Want one? Go to

Want one? Go to

-short and still short-


I am still in skool...

I am just a walking corpse...



I am happy...
As my progress is GOOD...

But still not enuff...

I wanted to be better...
SO, I have been day-dreaming...
and hey, day-dreaming is a good way for story ideas...

I am like about 85% done with my FYP as in the video plus documentation...

As I am quite bad when comes to this...


I haven test market due to the lack of time...

So yea...

Now, going to do research....


that is what documentation are there for...

(and to all my friends.... dun sell me... hahaha I prefer single for now... =D dun sell me to taiwan although taiwan girls are nice-looking... hahhaahhaha )



The video - 90% done...
haven't settle the sound...
Title haven include in yet.

scripts (done)
storyboard (done)
reflection (85%)
Contact records (done but confirm fail the 30%)
Talent release form (done)
Synopsis (done)
Style-cinematic (done)
Project Management (done)
Self-evaluation (done)
Learning Contract (dunno???)

So this is my progress so far...
And I am shagged already...



It's tuesday already...
now is 0635AM...

And I am still in skool...

This really shows how much I love my skool...


Now doing storyboarding...


Soon, i can go to post pro to do sound...

And very tired ahz.....




The video - 90% done...
haven't settle the sound...
Title haven include in yet.

scripts (done)
storyboard (30%)
reflection (85%)
Contact records (done but confirm fail the 30%)
Talent release form (done)
Synopsis (done)
Style-cinematic (done)
Project Management (done)
Self-evaluation (done)
Learning Contract (dunno???)

So this is my progress so far...
And I am shagged already...


Saturday, February 10, 2007

BIGFOOT's Eulogy

Click here.

dun ask me why I posted so many MVs....


But this one will be a link...

To wat I call HARDCORE AE...

click here to proceed...

Speed- Body & Soul

Speed- Alive

Speed- Wake Me Up!

Speed- All My True Love

Speed- Steady


I am still in skool at this very special moment...
Skool is my home and that is why I have been staying...

My video isn't okay yet as I have not normalize and do some sound edits or more-like correction... But that could be done quite fast...

Last night have been doing documentation...

Now for documentation, all I need is to include the treatment, and research...

So I am about 50% done there...
now doing storyboarding...



after storyboarding, I will be like 70% done (I suppose)

Jacky is a happy boy..

SMAP- Lion Heart


Tank- 非你莫屬

Tank- 專屬天使

Rimi Natsukawa (夏川りみ)- 涙そうそう

Natsukawa Rimi MTV

kinki Kids- Harmony of december

kinki Kids- 夏日風情

芮恩- 白色羽毛

SPEED- White love

YUI- I Remember You

YUI- Goodbye Day

YUI- Goodbye Days


YUI-tomorrow's way

YUI- rolling star

MISIA- Unforgettable Days

MISIA- Don't STop Music


MISIA- everything

I believe - Ayaka

The Potter's Hand



Friday, February 09, 2007

Soon, I will be graduating from Temasek Design School.

3 years...

Getting a Diploma in Interactive Media Design.

There's laughter, smiles, pain, cry, and ya, alot of emotions.

A group of people who comes from all walks of life, different sec schs.
We meet in this small school.
Not knowing our full abilities yet.

We try design.

Year One, I will always remember that drawing class is one of my nightmare.
literally NIGHTMARE.

RONALD was scary...
he kicks ppl out of class.

But after that semester, he is actually a funny guy.
He's not the monster to be exact.
Wait... he not even a monster to begin with.

Then we all starts to go for more classes that builds our concept building for stories and some other stuff.

All the late nites starts...

Chiong school work in school with all friends till late nite or even overnite is an experience that not all could ever have.

Hiding from the guards is one of our capabilities.

We always get EMO over things that we could not get it right or fine...

In year one, everything seems fine...
As maybe it's the foundation year.
Only nightmare is drawing class...

Then in year two.
Project II is quite a nightmare...

And seeing the animal skinning part for like dunno how many thousands time with eunii, chris they all is EMOTIONAL...
I actually cried...

F*** why am I so emotional....

then there are also times that I cried too...
But I dun really cry in front of people, except for once or twice I think...

I hate to let people see my EMO side...

But sorri guys, I do haf an EMO personality...
I accept that fact.

Then there are 3d stuff...
not that EMO...
but this only applies to me when I am in year TWO.

then did video production.
Quite fun.
And tiring.

And some other modules which I cant remember...

Oh ya SOUND...
Audio post and Sound design...

It is FUN...

Audio post is like doing dubbing...
ALthough i am not from the HOKKIEN BOND team
but I feel that ours is also GOOD.

Then the for the birds thingy..

Miss those times...

Then Sound design, create music...

more like destroying music...

but sound design is good as i get to learn the more in depth stuff...


Thursday, February 08, 2007

2 hrs of sleep for 2 days in total... (wahhhhhh)


this is what happens to me...

Because of projects, I am unable to sleep...
Poor bed, I know that you miss me...
I miss you too...

But plz wait for a little more while...
16 feb is coming...

And by then I can temporary own you...

why do I say temporary?

As soon will b NS (I suppose)
and again I will miss you again, my bed...

I am now definitely OUT OF MY MIND.
As I am no longer thinking properly.

I think later I will go home and maybe take a 3 hrs nap, then come skool again to chiong chiong chiong...


Life is DESIGN school is never easy...

How I survive?

Well, with lots of RED BULL...

Red Bull gives u wings... (MY FOOT)
it gives you SHAG...


shall not rant tooooo much.....


oh no... I am talking to myself once again...


But I am enjoying the process of losing my mind...


(inner voice: Jacky, GO AND SLEEP...)

my reply is: Of coz i will, but but but

oh well, we live in a place that often have alot of excuses...


I must apologize to my frenz who haf been calling me out to play or even work...
Sorry as FYP is still the most important to me...
As it determines my diploma which in turns my future too...

So, other stuff i can play play, but definitely not future...

thank u....

A sleepy ENTRY

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy
Very Funny Flash animation.

CLick here to see.

It is in chinese and thanks to justin for sharing.



Here's to promote a webbie link...
And just click and see...



Wednesday, February 07, 2007



Well justin just show me a 3d tutorial site...

And I get emo-ed after seeing it...

But it is damn helpful...

Okay I will practice my 3d too...

Jacky Winson, you can do it...




now is 3.57AM.

And I am happily at Temasek Design School, 3d animation lab.

But I am not an animation student.


I am here doing some of my documentation.

Well, I am quite bad in doing documentation...
So got to start early...

And also I will like to tell everyone GOOD LUCK in all ur FYPs.

As only 8 more days.

hang on there...

U guys and gals can do it...


Ok now I am having a can of red bull.

Prime supermarket actually increase the price of red bull.

nvmd, I might find other stuff to replace red bull...

Hmmm... SUGAR...


nope nope nope

ok see first lah...

ok i go back do my documenting liao...

You are The Chariot

Triumph, Victory, Overcoming Obstacles.

The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary. It is a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, circumstances; bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ba zhang

JAMIE IS BA ZHANG...(Rice Dumpling)


ok this is just a random post...

ignore this...


Saturday, February 03, 2007


I am like 75% done...

next week I MUST do Voice over
Then put it into FCP.
then make it nicer...

And I am done with my video part....

documentation =0%

And I am sleeeeeppppyyyyyyyyyy