Thursday, February 23, 2006

I have not sleep
and now is 4.45AM

wat the...
Y m i still awake?

I also dunno...
I just can't sleep.

well 3d reflection is already 60% done.
40% more to go...

clock is ticking and helping me counting down to my SIP.

3 more days.
Next monday I will start working at woodlands and shenton way.

No more sleeping late for this SIP...
seriously till now, I still dunno wat m i going to do.
all i know is 1st month, help in their coporate video.
2nd month help in their website.

lol... this year, I will not miss the diploma show.
as I think that it is important for a media designer like ME to look at my senior works.

And of coz, learn from their mistake.

Ok back to my 3d reflection.


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