Saturday, February 25, 2006

today is a VERY rewarding day.

as in at least for my spirit...


I heard GOD speaking to me, and telling me the way that I shd be.

see GOD has plans for us.

Thank u lord.

well this evening went to city harvest at singapore expo there with my friend's cellgp.

it just seems that I am extra.
but somehow, i got invited to dere.

GOD's presense is GREAT...

It all started with songs and praises to our GOD almighty.

You can feel that the place is filled with the lord's presense, and i dunno it just seems so comfortable...

I must admit that my quiet time with lord is getting lesser and lesser.
and my faith just fall..

I dunno why...

i forgot about lord...
I forgot our father...

I prayed today.
and i heard smething into my ears that says something like, son, u r just been blinded by the work u have, u haven not forgotten me, and i forgive U.

my tears flow immediately.

I feel refresh...
like having a new life.


then today sermon rox...

i think is Rev. ULF EKMAN

today we learn about Healing...
in the bible, Jesus dun pray for the sick.
Jesus heal the sick.

and Rev. ULF EKMAN told us that we can also do it.
we as christians are there to heal people in tha name of jesus.

having this opportunity to bless others is one cool way to serve the lord.

of coz, we r not going to heal our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
But we are going to heal anyone who ask for it, who needs it.

No matter who, whether or not they are christians.
As I believe that maybe thru this, they will be able to see the truth.
and kick those devils ass off...


I seriously prayed for my family that lord will be able to save them, and they will get saved too...

and of coz to those buddies that I have know...

Lord there's so much things that I wanna praise u...


okok... byebye

tmr going to AA2006...



I din know that my friend actually got me a ticket...
wa lao eh...

ok bye peeps...

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