Tuesday, February 28, 2006


see, when I am busy, I blog
when I am bored, I blog

no matter what I also blog.

Hey for not long after, maybe i can be a BLOGGING KING


But still, I am BORED

although I know I will be doing multimedia website.
with a bit of flash and alot of html, i dunno they need java scripting or not..

hahaha I better not tell them i know first.

What did I do today?

-help my german colleague in checking his english.
-research on corporate webbie.

now I am having headache since morning


now I think I am sick.

anyway my salary at first is $420.
But my 2nd supervisor tell me that company will b paying me $440.

= pay me $20 more to slack even more...

wa lao eh...

2 days going soon...
I have not learn anything.

so I will be concentrating more on designning the webbie now...
purely html...


my neck is stiff...



click HERE to see the webbie of my company now.

And I will be redoing the whole thing and the GERMAN colleague, Tim will be assisting me.


as I am the ONLY designer here...


that means I will start working...

but I think I will slack even more.

can't believe that when I start the website project, maybe got to report to my ANG-MO boss everyday...

But nvmd...

anyway, in this company, I only find the receptionist and my 2nd supervisior the best ppl only.

wat bout my main supervisor, I dunno, as I din get to meet him yet.


I wonder where will I go tmr...

Woodland or Shenton Way?

oh ya about the webbie, give me all the good and bad points about it.

and u can choose to tag me, or msn me, or email me.


ok byebye again...

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