Wednesday, March 29, 2006


well, well, well,

life is indeed very random
u randomly get to ur mum's womb...
u randomly just get kick out of that home where u spend ur 9-10 months there.
and ur skin get it's first touch to the surrounding air.
and it hurts.
u dunno what to do,
so u just randomly CRY.

and after u cry.
doctor wrap u in a towel and the nurse just randomly clean u.

then u r randomly pushed and just stayed at a place temporarily.

at times u r randomly being carried by ur mum, dad, relatives and even the nurse or the docs.

then u randomly eat and drink anything that is being served to u.

then u randomly grow...
and u randomly see people in different size and heights.

then u randomly go to school.
u randomly pick the different alphabets together to form words...

when u grow older.
u randomly get ur life to more problems.

u randomly accept stress.
u randomly get to alot of relationships.
u randomly get into fights. (for not knowing any reason to it...)

time to go work..
u randomly pick a job related to the piece of paper...
u randomly stayed there until u got a better one...
u randomly follow the time... lunch means go for ur lunch, work means go n work...

then randomly u fall sick and get well...

and at last... u randomly die
and that's the end of ur life...

see life is indeed so RANDOM...


well, i dunno why i wrote that whole chunk of random words...
maybe it is just being random...

being random is what everyone is...


RANDOM = life



that is not any maths equations...


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